Strengthening Mexican Mipymes: A Key Economic Strategy

Juan José Sierra Álvarez emphasizes the importance of supporting micro, small, and medium enterprises (Mipymes) at a Coparmex event in Mexico City, highlighting their role in economic growth and job creation.

Strengthening Mexican Mipymes: A Key Economic Strategy

In the context of the monthly breakfast for members of Coparmex Mexico City, the national president of the Confederation of Employers of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex), Juan José Sierra Álvarez, emphasized the urgency of strengthening micro, small, and medium enterprises (Mipymes) as a key axis for the country's economic development. Sierra Álvarez highlighted that Mipymes represent 64% of employment in Mexico and face structural challenges that hinder their growth, such as the high level of informality, which reaches 54.5%.

At the same event, Juan José Sierra Álvarez and Adal Ortiz Ávalos, president of Coparmex Mexico City, focused on the importance of strengthening business centers at the local level. Sierra Álvarez announced a comprehensive care program to bring businesses closer to ecosystems of entrepreneurship, innovation, training, and financing. He pointed out that many Mipymes lack access to credit and business support networks, affecting their potential growth.

Adal Ortiz Ávalos emphasized the event as a space for unity and collaboration among entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of strengthening the relationship between Coparmex National and Coparmex CDMX. Ortiz Ávalos mentioned that although voting will not be promoted, Coparmex will participate as an observer in the electoral process. He stressed the relevance of working together to achieve common objectives.

Juan José Sierra Álvarez also addressed other challenges impacting the business sector, such as the recent reform to Infonavit, approved without consultation with entrepreneurs and workers. He expressed concern over the lack of consensus in the design of the Judicial reform and the need to ensure that labor modifications do not drive more companies into informality instead of strengthening them.

In summary, at the monthly breakfast of Coparmex Mexico City, leaders like Juan José Sierra Álvarez and Adal Ortiz Ávalos emphasized the importance of strengthening Mipymes, promoting collaboration, innovation, and access to resources to drive the country's economic development.